Portable Five-Fold Tatami HK |
History Why Tatami Tatami is an unique green product feeling warm in the winter while cooler in the summer. The natural characteristic of straw provides the best comfort adaptable to humidity atmosphere, suitable for many purpose of living and decoration, flooring, bedding (w/ futon) to exercising (Judo). It's moderate hardness also contributes to the good health of waist and backbone for sleeping on. |
榻榻米 日本的國粹,日本家居普遍會鋪設榻榻米,這類居室一般稱為和室。榻榻米形狀大小有既定標準,長闊比例一般是2:1,一般為3尺x6尺。坐上感覺柔軟舒適,多數人只是放置坐墊便可席地而坐。」榻榻米的好處是易拆易用,容易清洗。日本人習慣睡在榻榻米上,不鋪設床架,睡上便將『蒲團』(Futon)取出,席在榻榻地板上便可。早上將蒲團收起,可騰出很多空間。 |
Suitable for Children - Cosmopolitan living - Elderly Tatami is made from Igusa (rush/rice straw) with foam core. Each one is finely woven for the best comfort. * New various sizes available, please refer table below Customers buy with (click below): Natural futon mattress - Shoji Screen - Shoji Lamp - Japan Desk - Very Fine Hotel Cotton Sheets - Silk Pillows - Silk Comforter - Designer Bean Bags |
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